  • Romford Stadium Essex

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    Contact Romford Stadium Essex

    Phone: +44 208 669 9431

    Anglo Irish Greyhound Sales Contact Details
    Telephone: +442086699431
    Mobile: +447811206661
    Mobile: +447974922483

    Greyhound Stadium Locations:
    • Crayford Greyhound Stadium, Kent, England
    • Brighton & Hove Stadium, East Sussex, England
    • Monmore Greyhound Stadium, Wolverhampton, England
    • Owlerton Greyhound Stadium, South Yorkshire, England
    • Perry Barr Stadium, Aldridge Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2ET
    • Romford Stadium, London Rd, Romford, Essex, RM7 9DU

    Anglo Irish Greyhounds Next Sale Date:
    18th October 2020
    Owlerton Greyhound Stadium Link to Online Auction
    Penistone Road, Sheffield South Yorkshire, S6 2DE England.

    Distance: 280m, 362m, 480m, 500m,500mH, 660m, 720m, 800m, 915m, 934m
    Track Circumference: 437m
    Run to first bend: 65m
    Track Characteristics: Good gallop. Short straights but big, sweeping bends. True test of dogs ability. Direct run off at last bend gives the stronger dogs a chance to come from behind off the pace.
