Matt Dunne Auctioneers

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Lot 2, Prix 885000.00, Matt Dunne - 63 Acres , Derrylusk, Mountrath, Co Laois R32 K00

Lot 2: The Land
Clonbarrow, Mountrath contained within folio LS10320 comprising of c.22.58 HA / 55.79 acres.
Also included is Folio LS10346 containing c.8.9 acres (the exact residual amount after the house on
c.1.5 acres is deducted is c.7.4 acres). The entire c.63 acres can be best described as rich limestone
land that has produced excellent grass and crops over the years. Extensive road frontage onto the
R423 plus independent access that can be later extended to the internal road to the farmyard. The
land, with its pleasant undulating slopes, would also ideally suit horses
Note: No single farm payment or entitlements are with the farm.

Contact Matt Dunne Auctioneers : +353 57 862 3349

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