Vincent Walsh Auctioneers

Lot 28405, Luggawannia, Headford, Co. Galway

Sale Type: For Sale by Private Treaty
Overall Floor Area: 0.6 ac 0.60 elevated site with outline planning permission , one mile from Kilbeg Pier and Clydagh Castle.

NOTE: These particulars are not to be considered a formal offer. They are for information only and give a general idea of the property. They are not to be taken as forming any part of a resulting contract, nor to be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. Whilst every care is taken in their preparation, neither Vincent Walsh Auctioneer nor the vendor accepts any liability as to their accuracy. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by personal inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars. No person in the employment of Vincent Walsh Auctioneer has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

Contact Vincent Walsh Auctioneers : +353 93 34695

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